A DEF Network company
Presentation History Our values Certifications

Quality, health, safety and the preservation of the environment are major strategic lines to which DEF has decided to pay particular attention.

It was in 1988 that DEF took the decision to structure its continuous improvement approach and ensure the recognition of its status as a specialist by adhering to the AP-MIS (now APSAD) maintainer installer certification.

Since then, our company has regularly made the choice to adhere to many structuring certifications related to its activity.

  • Quality scope: ISO 9001 certified since 1997, 2015 version since 2017
  • Environmental scope: ISO 14001 certified since 2011, 2015 version since 2017
  • Health and Safety scope: OHSAS 18001 obtained in 2017
  • “Business” certifications:
    • Certification APSAD I7 et F7 “installer and maintainer of fire safety systems”, since the AP-MIS in 1988,
    • Certification APSAD I.F13 « d’installateur et mainteneur de systèmes d’extinction automatique à gaz inertes et inhibiteurs » depuis 2010,
    • Certification F’Gaz for the installation, maintenance and dismantling of fire suppression systems containing fluorinated gases since July 2016
  • A scope containing the withdrawal of DFCI (ionising chamber smoke detectors): the “Qualdion” label since its creation in 2012
  • A societal commitment: membership of the“United Nations Global Compact” since 2014. This has made it possible to set up and continually develop our integrated management system, taking into account all these areas of expertise whose application is regularly verified and controlled according to the principles of continuous improvement.

These certifications, subject to regular audits by independent third parties, help ensure that DEF meets the requirements to which it is subjected, whether legal, regulatory, or contractual.

Network of expert companies in fire safety