

Diffuseur sonore
Orion +
– Early detection
– Immunity to parasitic phenomena
– Interactivity for hourly risk management
This detector is a compendium of technology developed by our R&D department, it combines several sensors (2 optical and 1 thermal) and a powerful algorithm.
It enables to combine early detection and performance regardless of the nature of the combustion furnace.
This detector offers multiple (14) sensitisation possibilities for both smoke and temperature. Thanks to the interactivity with the panels, the sensitivity and detection mode can evolve according to a time slot for perfect temporal adaptation to the risks and constraints of the supervised area.
It has excellent immunity to parasitic phenomena such as water vapour, dust, etc., allowing it to be placed near a bathroom (limitation of installation cost and potential visual discomfort in the case of a hotel room, for example).
Paint on request
– Colour customisation on request
– Complete product range
– Certification retained
In our manufacturing standard, we propose the supply of painted products (sound and/or light detectors and diffusers) according to the colour desired by the customer. This customisation operation is carried out directly in the factory to ensure the integrity of the product and thus retain its certification.
– Aesthetics and Integration in its environment
– Adjustable sound levels
– Unique product on the NF market
This Fire Alarm Sound Diffuser (DSAF) enables a discreet integration, especially in dormitories. It has three sound levels which offer greater flexibility in its positioning and use. This DSAF has no equivalent on the NF market.
The use of this product makes it possible to have a homogeneous sound distribution, while respecting the aesthetic integrity of the sites.
Painting upon request.